CW|Two worlds are between the Walls.

Compared with other students, I am not good enough. I have to spend more time checking the grammar and word using. It was a in-class assignment but I had to spend three hours completing 400 words article. I seldom speak English because I am afraid of making mistakes. I still can't get used to sharing my opinion and my own thought.

I really got the worst scores on the first assignment. However, keeping writing can improve. Receiving so high score makes me cry. Thanks for the compliment "Excellent job. Your English improvement is amazing!"

Cross to iron webs and spread walls, the two areas are separated: Israel and Palestine. There is haunted hatred between these two tribes for generations.

Saying goodbye to Tel Aviv, the modern and convenient city, we met Tony in front of the bus station in Jerusalem. He is the exchange student in University of Haifa. Spending one year in Israel studying, today he was our tour guide.

After taking an hour shaking van, we finally arrived at our destination, Hebron. Hebron is located at thirty kilograms far away from Jerusalem. It is one of the oldest cities in Middle East as well. It is well known as the holy place—by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. However, it has suffered from numerous wars since World War I.

At first, British Armies occupied Hebron and belonged to one part of British Mandate of Palestine. 1948, Israel established its country and in the same time Jordan took Hebron and other West bank area. But Jordan lost the Six-Day War in 1967. After then Hebron turned into a part of Israel. Next year, a group of Jew started to settle down in Hebron.

“But the government proceeded a separate policy. They encouraged Jew to move to West bank, where was the former colony of Jordan. The Palestine people lived here and followed totally different rules of religion. ” Tony explained the history to us and pointed the walls. “To prevent the conflict, the tall walls were built and they were forbidden to cross the border.”

These two tribes, Jew and Palestinian, although live in the same valley, aren’t familiar with the other. The conflict and fight caused numerous bloodsheds. Their family, siblings and friends may die in the fight. They were not allowed to communicate and meet as well. As a result, the armed conflict kept taking place.

We went to the Abraham Mosque and the masked women seemed to be interested in us. They came and talked to us enthusiastically. Though we couldn’t understand what they said, we could feel their curiosity. They spent their whole life in the tiny valley. Through the foreign tourists was the only way that they could realize the outside world. In the period of sight seeing, we saw the army driving away the Palestinian who was walking beside the wall and heard they judging Palestinian as thieves and liars.

On the way back to Jerusalem, I became silent and felt sad. Compared to the Western Wall, this wall stirred my blood. In the past journey, I thought Israel as a freedom, innovate and technical country. However, the difference and imperfect sides seem not be fixed in the short term.

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